We provide K-12 schools with a risk-free and up-front cost-free evidence-based solution that leverages medical analytics, oversight, and navigation without changing their current healthcare plan. We help shift healthcare plan environments from "Insurance Carrier Controlled" to "Employer Controlled”. This ultimately leads to reduced copays, deductibles, and co-insurance payments for the employees and lower premiums for the employers. On average, we reduce employers' healthcare plan premiums by $200 to $500 per employee per month
“S.T.E.M in a Box “ curriculum for K-12 students globally (S.T.E.M stands for science, technology, engineering, & math). Students now have access to curriculums in Animation, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Coding, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Drone, Engineering Design Process, Mobile Development, & Robotics. Having access to this Harvard University approved curriculum, that anyone can teach regardless of background, protects children from being unqualified or left behind for the jobs that are going to be in large supply when they graduate from high school. This offering also helps secure financial security for themselves and future generations.