“S.T.E.M in a Box “ curriculum for K-12 students globally (S.T.E.M stands for science, technology, engineering, & math). Students now have access to curriculums in Animation, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Coding, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Drone, Engineering Design Process, Mobile Development, & Robotics. Having access to this Harvard University approved curriculum, that anyone can teach regardless of background, protects children from being unqualified or left behind for the jobs that are going to be in large supply when they graduate from high school. This offering also helps secure financial security for themselves and future generations.


We offer innovative security solutions for the overall safety of K-12 facilities. We combine decades of crisis and security leadership experience with a single source SaaS platform that was created almost 10 years ago. Our platforms address the 3 P's of Emergency Management (PREPAREDNESS, PREVENTION, and PROTECTION).

Our SaaS platform offers customers a central location for Emergency Management Planning, Threat Assessment Cases, Risk Survey and Security Audits. In addition, we offer an easy to use one touch Emergency Communication Application and an easy to deploy Geo-fencing solution .

Value and Benefit

Sharper Targeting of Customer Preferences
More Visibility

Have access to a multitude of options for your healthcare needs while being able to make healthcare decisions based on seeing who offers the highest quality healthcare at the lowest cost so you can keep your premiums down as an employer and your out of pocket expenses down as an employee.

Increased Data Protection and Security

Give your students, at every level, access to the most advanced and cutting edge curriculums in the world so they can be better prepared for the jobs that are challenging and plentiful .

Increase Responsiveness to Market Shifts
Peace of Mind

Have access to a multitude of technologies that prepare and protect you from internal and external threats.